Some weeks ago, Fernando gave a very interesting talk about Caddy and HTTP/2 at the Madrid Golang users group meetup. It immediately caught my attention and decided to get hands on with it.
Basically, Caddy is a web server that implements the HTTP/2 protocol for the modern web. This version provides many advantages over HTTP/1.1 as multiplexing and TLS by default. For me, the selling points of Caddy are two:
- It is very straightforward to configure. Sometimes, the config file is just a one-liner.
- It has first-class and out-of-the-box support for the letsencrypt service. Basically, you’ll have free SSL/TLS Certificates for your sites that are automatically renewed by Caddy. Amazing!
I encourage you to browse the slides and read the Getting Started section of the Caddy documentation. It is really simple to use.
I decided to give it a try so I skimmed through the documentation, and realised that I just had to download the binary for my system and create a Caddyfile like this: {
root /path/to/my/static/files
log access.log
and start the binary using a systemd unit service, something like this:
Description=Caddy web server
ExecStart=/path/to/bin/caddy -agree -email my_email
Make sure that the binary has permissions to bind ports 80 and 443. For example, issuing the command:
setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep ./caddy
Caddy retrieves a SSL/TLS certificate for your site (it is important that you configure correctly the FQDN in the Caddyfile because it performs a challenge/response in order to validate your server), stores it in your server and launches a Goroutine that seamlessly renew the certificate before the 90-day lifetime of the letsencrypt certificate expires.
Happy hacking!